20 January 2009


I'm sitting on the floor of my living room, watching the inauguration of Barack Obama, our nation's 44th president. I find myself, rather inexplicably, feeling almost choked up and getting chills at times. There's so much about America that I find distressing, and yet, there's so much of it that is stunning. It's such an exciting and historic moment. Not only is it the first African-American president, but it's also such an uncertain and volatile time around the world. I don't konw what's going to happen and if/when things change, but it's exciting to see that there is something positive occuring.

Though, to be fair, how many people throughout time and history have considered what was happening during their life to be uncertain and volatile; is this time a special one solely because we are living it? Clearly, I've been reading too much Annie Dillard recently...

It's one of those moments that you remember, one that you will tell your children about...I understand that that's a cliche, and yet, sometimes cliches are apt.

And look at that everyone...he is swearing in on a Bible!

It's been 8 years of someone who can't string sentences together; this is a good moment!

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