03 July 2009

Double chin

I have a fear that I'm beginning to develop a double chin and a bit of a beer gut. Well, I suppose to be technical it's a rum gut, but all the same.

I have been going to the gym about 4 times a week recently. Since the semester has ended, I find myself with more spare time, and so I've been headed to the gym more often. It is also to try and stop the widening of my waistline and the inexplicable loose skin beneath my chin.

I remember the day in high school where my friends decided to have a bra-free day. I was in absolute agony. Mostly because the bras I wore day to day added one if not two cup sizes on their own. I was terrified of showing just how flat-chested I really was. For even with my extra padded bras, I was still most definitely not Pamela Anderson.

And now, my agony over my chest is the unexplained reason that I would gain weight solely under my chin and around my hips and not on my boobs. It makes no sense. I really only go to the gym to ensure that my stomach doesn't stick out past my small cup size. I don't have a lot of room to work with, so my weeks of eating chips and drinking very quickly leads to a bit of a crisis.

I went to the gym today, lifted some weights, did some time on the elliptical and on the treadmill. I generally felt good about myself. And yet when I get home, I follow up my workout with a plateful of wavy lays dipped in ranch and a triple rum and coke. It seems...not ideal.

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