06 July 2009


I have an obsession with checking my email. Constantly and continually wanting to see if anyone has contacted me. It used to be part of an obsession with certain men, and still seeing emails from a couple of specific addresses makes me feel flush, faint and a bit nauseous. Though right now, I'm waiting (seemingly in vain) to hear back from publishers and job interviews. I have two job interviews where I should be hearing any day now. And I'm trying to get work published, and so I seem to constantly be hoping and waiting for an editor to write back and say, yes, your idea sounds like the perfect fit for our magazine and we'd love to pay you $5.00 per word. ($5.00 per word is obviously beyond hope, but I'd take .50 a word!)

I feel like email has gone the way of "real" mail; too much of it is junk or spam or simply forwards. But this morning, I got the lovely surprise of waking up to my jewelry being featured in a blog! The wedding blog, http://inventingweddings.blogspot.com/, posted my pearl ivory and peach bracelets as a part of their "peach and teal" color theme.

Also featured:

White Handmade Wedding Tutu Skirt by kaedankrafts

The Scent of Lisabetta Necklace by soradesigns

Stackable and Stretchable Pearl Bracelets by kristinmc

Shabby Jungle Brooch by walkonthemoon

Locket Charm Necklace by dreamamlittledream

Adelaide Save the Date by MewPaperArts

Peaches and Cream Bouquet Set by modagefloral


  1. we're loving those peach & ivory bracelets

  2. Thank you so much!!! They do seem like the perfect little touch of color for a wedding!
